[DOWNLOAD] ‘Omemma’ – Dee Doris

Music star, Dee Doris releases a new worship song titled “Omemma”; produced by Kelly Lyon.

“Omemma” is a song birthed by a deep fellowship with the Holy Spirit; filled with God’s love and presence. This has the ability to change whatever negative situation you may be in right now.

The song delivered in a fine blend of English and Igbo languages carries an awesome presence and that will keep you in the awesome worship of God, while enjoying the “Holy Ghost Love” amazing experience.

Speaking about the song, Dee Doris shares her heartfelt gratitude to God and some key individuals who were instrumental to the release of this powerful song; “Thank you to my pastor and father Reverend Chris Oyakhilome, Evangelist Kathy Woghiren, my mom, My producer and brother forever, Kelly Lyon, my LMAM family.

My special “Thank You” goes to my very dear family for endless love, support and Sponsorship. I Love You Forever” – Doris mouths in gratitude and appreciation.

Where else can we find immense love, favour and goodness than in the Presence of our forever “Good God.”



Twitter: @deedoris2
Instagram: @deedorismusic

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For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.