[DOWNLOAD] 'Thank You' – Enea

Thank You by Enea

Gospel & Soul Artist Enea is here with a new single Thank You (My Life is in your hands) in Enea’s words ” The song is entirely me, I have always thought it was all a joke but right now, it’s playing to me like a script, that only God has actually written down and HE IS acting all by Himself”

There is strong feeling that things have just begun, the world should be expectant. There are people who are in exact situation that I was or am, I pray that the songs reaches out to them and inspire them to wait, hold only God by His word and at the end, it shall speak (Hab 2:3)

God has just started and I’m grateful to Him and privileged to be a part of the vessel He has set out to use.

Download, Listen, and be blessed


Enea is Gospel & Soul Artist who is based in Germany and strongly believes that my songs should lead people to Jesus Christ and also inspire them to rediscover purpose in life. She had for long noticed her influence on the environment and people around her and how she had become an object of positive change to world around.

Enea was raised up by her born again parents who thought & nurtured her and with their support raised her up to be the woman she is today.

As a little child, there were some really great prophecies that were spoken about her years back which she never thought were going to come through and just recently it began to dawn on her that all that God has spoken about her is beginning to unfold, which inspired her in writing this song THANK YOU.

She is a wife to just one husband Kelvin Akpochimoraa and they are blessed with a daughter Bethel-Doreen Akpochimoraa.


Twitter @eneaA9

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Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.