Enjoy this new music release titled “Yahweh” from singer Godspower.
“Praising God and worshipping Him has always been part of me. It’s a daily thing to me. I have been in choir groups from childhood. I noticed that when i have challenge, I want God to help me out, when I pray the effect is not much but when I praise and Worship Him I get more result than praying.
Circumstances during my birth, mum and dad had a fatal accident on their way to hospital to deliver me, which cost lives. Dad had big injury and nothing happened to my mum and me during the time I was in the womb.
Doctor and Nurses couldn’t explain medical circumstances, and how I came out was not normal to them. I was what people call mini-dumb during my school age. I couldn’t really talk, I’d rather write down my intentions if I needed to pass a massage across. I was a stammerer. It was a thorn in my parent’s flesh. I strived to sing but was difficult. But with God all things are possible. I began to speak normal before the age of 14.
How can I pay God for the things He has done for me but to give Him praise and worship He deserves. He gave me a voice and healed me from stammering.” – Godspower
His first album called JESUS THE ONLY WAY will be officially released on the 18th of May 2019.
Till then, enjoy this track (Yahweh) off the Album.
Twitter: @Godspow86207049
Instagram: @godspower0404
Facebook: Godspower