He is an accomplished music artiste and a famous gospel musician. Panam Percy Paul has been at the fore front of the gospel music in Nigeria ever since he embraced Jesus decades ago. This grandfather from Adamawa State was at the COSON concert last Sunday doing what he know to do best after which he spoke to some select- journalists. SAMUEL ABULUDE was there.
Why did you choose gospel music?
It was not a choice, it was a new lifestyle. When I gave my life to the Lord Jesus, there was nothing else to do but just to testify of the same goodness that I have experienced. So, it is the newness of life. My life was new, I was just different, I was transformed so, there was nothing else to do.
When you were into secular music, your dad accepted you but when you went into gospel music, he disowned you. True?
Yes, the reason was that someway, somehow, I was being booked every weekend. He was very concerned about my economics. He was very concerned on the life I was going to live. Whether I was just going to be a beggar and knowing that this was ministry, he kept asking me whether anyone was going to pay me. ‘Why not continue to work as an engineer and do your music on the side?’ he had asked. I was just overwhelmed by the passion of ministering to people that I just could not put the two of them together. I did practice for a while but it was engineering at the background and music at the top. At the end of the day, I had to make that choice and stick to music. Obviously, I still practice engineering but more as a consultant.
Which field of engineering?
I read six engineering fields. They are mechanical, electrical, aeronautic, sound and music engineering.
Which university did you study them?
I have studied all over (laughs). I started from Kaduna Polytechnic, then to England and then to the US. So I studied everywhere.
For how long were you outside the shores of Nigeria?
I have always lived as a foreigner because I was raised by the North American Baptist Mission. So I was a foreigner before I left the shores. Though I am from Adamawa State, I lived in Jos. I was born in Kaduna and also lived in Kaduna. I have lived in Jos now for over 34 years.
How does it feel being one of the foremost gospel singers in Nigeria?
I think it is a responsibility. It’s not a thing of pride. It’s a responsibility to see what legacy one is leaving. Is there anybody taking after me and doing it better? So it is a responsibility but my joy is that I look around me and I see quite a number of people that understands what music ministry is and they are toeing after me and that really gives me the satisfaction.
Tell us about your albums released so far
Over the years I have released a lot of albums. Don’t you Cry was released in 1982. Then Bring Down The Glory Series, Glory I was recorded in 1986 and released in March, 1987. Then Glory II followed in 1991 and Glory III followed in 1993, released in US in ’93 and in Nigeria in ’95. Then Master of the Universe in 1997. I released Don’t Give Up in 2000 and Bring Down The Glory IV in 2004. I have 13 Albums altogether.
Which one is your favourite?
I can never have a favourite. Each one of them is a landmark in my life. So they tell all the stories though for me, it’s like choosing out of your children which is the best. They all have qualities.
Which was your defining moment?
My defining moment was Bring Down The Glory I, obviously because the whole nation was singing one song. Everybody in Nigeria was singing I am serving a living God, Jesus your name is a miracle, Hold Somebody tell him that you love him. For me that was a turning point and it made me to realizes you can actually influence not necessarily being everywhere but in just one corner doing the right thing and your fame will go out from there. That was a defining moment for me and once I got it right at that moment, I couldn’t change anymore. I just continued with Glory II, Glory III and I was always studying. I always went back to study what I did in Glory I that made it successful and I just replicated it in Glory II and others but with some improvisation.
What is your last Album?
Right now it is Destiny and I just delivered the song, I’ll fulfill my Destiny. That was three years ago. I am working on two albums. One is Bring Down the Glory V. For the second one, I don’t have a title for it yet, but we are coming out with the music very soon.
Who produces your albums?
I produce myself. I run my own studio. I also have a college of music ministry. So I teach people, I train engineers, musicians, singers. I have my own label called Panam Music in Jos where I live. I’m a local boy (laughter).
On your part what are you doing on the crisis in Jos and other places?
It will interest you to know that we started touring the streets three months ago. We started from Benue State touring the cities and preaching unity in the churches because we have got to attain unity first in the churches before we attain unity in the nation. We shall be in Kogi State from the 3rd to 9th of June, that is 7 days. Whenever we travel, we stay for one week in that city visiting various churches. On the last day, all the churches come together in one arena and share the love of God and unity of the Spirit. This in a nutshell is what I am doing as far as preaching peace and unity in the nation.
Do you have challenges in the course of doing all of these?
Obviously, everyone has challenges. Challenges are there for everyone to surmount. I just sang about one of my challenges. The rejection I suffered from my father and family and removal of my name from the will. There is nothing as bad as that. That will be my greatest challenge. But we have reconciled. I reconciled with my father in 1997.
Did he put your name back in the will?
(General laughter) Right now I am the will and the breadwinner of the house altogether. So everything has been reconciled.
Tell us about your Family
I have 4 kids and 3 grandchildren so we have a full house. But of course we are just the two, me and my wife at home because everyone is married and gone.
What are your dreams in terms of your career?
My dream is to build the next generation of music leaders with a strong passion for God
This is it for me

He is an accomplished music artiste and a famous gospel musician. Panam Percy Paul has been at the fore front of the gospel music in Nigeria ever since he embraced Jesus decades ago. This grandfather from Adamawa State was at the COSON concert last Sunday doing what he know to do best after which he spoke to some select- journalists. SAMUEL ABULUDE was there.
Why did you choose gospel music?
It was not a choice, it was a new lifestyle. When I gave my life to the Lord Jesus, there was nothing else to do but just to testify of the same goodness that I have experienced. So, it is the newness of life. My life was new, I was just different, I was transformed so, there was nothing else to do.
When you were into secular music, your dad accepted you but when you went into gospel music, he disowned you. True?
Yes, the reason was that someway, somehow, I was being booked every weekend. He was very concerned about my economics. He was very concerned on the life I was going to live. Whether I was just going to be a beggar and knowing that this was ministry, he kept asking me whether anyone was going to pay me. ‘Why not continue to work as an engineer and do your music on the side?’ he had asked. I was just overwhelmed by the passion of ministering to people that I just could not put the two of them together. I did practice for a while but it was engineering at the background and music at the top. At the end of the day, I had to make that choice and stick to music. Obviously, I still practice engineering but more as a consultant.
Which field of engineering?
I read six engineering fields. They are mechanical, electrical, aeronautic, sound and music engineering.
Which university did you study them?
I have studied all over (laughs). I started from Kaduna Polytechnic, then to England and then to the US. So I studied everywhere.
For how long were you outside the shores of Nigeria?
I have always lived as a foreigner because I was raised by the North American Baptist Mission. So I was a foreigner before I left the shores. Though I am from Adamawa State, I lived in Jos. I was born in Kaduna and also lived in Kaduna. I have lived in Jos now for over 34 years.
How does it feel being one of the foremost gospel singers in Nigeria?
I think it is a responsibility. It’s not a thing of pride. It’s a responsibility to see what legacy one is leaving. Is there anybody taking after me and doing it better? So it is a responsibility but my joy is that I look around me and I see quite a number of people that understands what music ministry is and they are toeing after me and that really gives me the satisfaction.
Tell us about your albums released so far
Over the years I have released a lot of albums. Don’t you Cry was released in 1982. Then Bring Down The Glory Series, Glory I was recorded in 1986 and released in March, 1987. Then Glory II followed in 1991 and Glory III followed in 1993, released in US in ’93 and in Nigeria in ’95. Then Master of the Universe in 1997. I released Don’t Give Up in 2000 and Bring Down The Glory IV in 2004. I have 13 Albums altogether.
Which one is your favourite?
I can never have a favourite. Each one of them is a landmark in my life. So they tell all the stories though for me, it’s like choosing out of your children which is the best. They all have qualities.
Which was your defining moment?
My defining moment was Bring Down The Glory I, obviously because the whole nation was singing one song. Everybody in Nigeria was singing I am serving a living God, Jesus your name is a miracle, Hold Somebody tell him that you love him. For me that was a turning point and it made me to realizes you can actually influence not necessarily being everywhere but in just one corner doing the right thing and your fame will go out from there. That was a defining moment for me and once I got it right at that moment, I couldn’t change anymore. I just continued with Glory II, Glory III and I was always studying. I always went back to study what I did in Glory I that made it successful and I just replicated it in Glory II and others but with some improvisation.
What is your last Album?
Right now it is Destiny and I just delivered the song, I’ll fulfill my Destiny. That was three years ago. I am working on two albums. One is Bring Down the Glory V. For the second one, I don’t have a title for it yet, but we are coming out with the music very soon.
Who produces your albums?
I produce myself. I run my own studio. I also have a college of music ministry. So I teach people, I train engineers, musicians, singers. I have my own label called Panam Music in Jos where I live. I’m a local boy (laughter).
On your part what are you doing on the crisis in Jos and other places?
It will interest you to know that we started touring the streets three months ago. We started from Benue State touring the cities and preaching unity in the churches because we have got to attain unity first in the churches before we attain unity in the nation. We shall be in Kogi State from the 3rd to 9th of June, that is 7 days. Whenever we travel, we stay for one week in that city visiting various churches. On the last day, all the churches come together in one arena and share the love of God and unity of the Spirit. This in a nutshell is what I am doing as far as preaching peace and unity in the nation.
Do you have challenges in the course of doing all of these?
Obviously, everyone has challenges. Challenges are there for everyone to surmount. I just sang about one of my challenges. The rejection I suffered from my father and family and removal of my name from the will. There is nothing as bad as that. That will be my greatest challenge. But we have reconciled. I reconciled with my father in 1997.
Did he put your name back in the will?
(General laughter) Right now I am the will and the breadwinner of the house altogether. So everything has been reconciled.
Tell us about your Family
I have 4 kids and 3 grandchildren so we have a full house. But of course we are just the two, me and my wife at home because everyone is married and gone.
What are your dreams in terms of your career?
My dream is to build the next generation of music leaders with a strong passion for God
This is it for me