
In less than 12 months of its operation online, new but trending Nigerian gospel blog, xtremgospel.com has joined the league of the top notch with recognition and visits from over 80 countries within and outside African.


Xtremgospel.com managed by Nigerian IT Outfit Xforx Studios has been distinguished from other blogs in Nigeria. According to the Xtremgospel Team Head & CEO of Xforx Studios, Mr. Ayodeji Peter-Ayeni, “xtremgospel.com is not just a blog or a website; it’s a platform to reach out.” The website is updated daily with Christian entertainment and inspirational contents in form of music, videos, music, movies, articles, e-book and e-magazines, artiste’s promotion, exclusive interviews with prominent messengers of the gospel personalities. Since its inception on January 1st Xtremgospel has released 2 e-magazines, acknowledged over 11,000 downloads and extend the wings of its hub into the creation of a new content vault i.e. www.xgtunes.com
These tremendous achievements have motivated the management of the outfit to upgrade to a more efficient platform which they have tagged “XG WEB 3.0” to be launched on 25th December 2014. It is understood that this fresh upgrade conveys interesting features like an online store for purchase of gospel materials with secure payment modality.

The new website is design with mobile users in mind. It is fully responsive across all media; PCs Pads/Tablets, and other mobiles. It is now hosted on a faster server which will allow the site load faster.

There is also Community for membership; where members can create forums, groups and participate in interactive session. And, with the Robust Review System for user interaction that is attached to it, users can easily review Books, Music, Movies and Articles thereby increasing User Engagement on the website.

To explore our Music, Movies, Books, News, XG Shop, XG Community, XG e-Magazine (a quarterly e-Magazine by Xtrem Gospel), XG Tunes (a premium music vault by Xtrem Gospel) and more information about XG Web 3.0, visit www.xtremgospel.com you can also follow on any of these platforms:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/xtremgospel
Twitter: @xtremgospel
Youtube: xtremgospel
Instagram: @xtremgospel

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Praise the LORD. Blessed are those who fear the LORD, who find great delight in his commands.