This Is What the Famous Bible Characters Will Look Like If They Were Black People

We have heard of famous Bible personalities and icons whom we admire, respect and love. We have been made to believe that most of these Bible Icons were White people.
But what if they were blacks…how would they have looked?
These photos shot by James C. Lewis, C.E.O oF Noire3000 Studios, Atlanta, from his book ‘Icons of the Bible’, attempts to answer the question.

He used black models to achieve it. Pictures of Samson, Adam and Eve, Delilah, Pharaoh, Lucifer, Archangel Michael,  Judas, King David, Noah, Daniel, Abijail, Jonah, Esau, Bethsheba, Queen Esther, Joseph, Bartholomew, Rachael, Herod and Simeon.

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For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.