/ 8 years ago[ARTICLE] Gospel Music in Nigeria – Nosa (Part 1)
My dear NAIJA BRETHREN, do you know how much time, effort and money it takes to produce, mix and master then...
/ 8 years ago[ARTICLE] It Is Not Good for Man To Be Alone (3) – Femi Aribisala
Jesus makes the way whereby sons of men can, once again, become sons of God so they are married not to...
/ 8 years ago[ARTICLE] Unmasking a Biblical truth about Easter
As with Christmas, we find that the popular customs associated with the Easter celebration—rabbits, Easter-egg hunts and sunrise services—have nothing to...
/ 8 years agoThe Role of the Church In the Fight Against Corruption In Nigeria, By Olusegun Obasanjo
While miracles, signs and wonders are the expectations of true believers, such must be based on righteousness. To preach that one...
/ 8 years ago[ARTICLE] The Acts Of Apostle Suleman by Rudolf Ogoo Okonkwo
“Few days after he was born, some Prophets came from Warri to Benin (the place of his birth) with a message...
/ 8 years agoWhat Does the X in Xmas Mean?
The X in Christmas is used like the R in R.C. My given name at birth was Robert Charles, although before...
/ 9 years agoARTICLE:: Rape in the house of God
Often, they scream, cry and fight to free themselves from what they consider an absurdity from their religious leaders; at other...
/ 9 years agoARTICLE:: Grace Of Songwriting – Abbey Austin
If you are good in composing or writing songs, it’s a privilege because God gave you the potentials, you don’t need...
/ 9 years ago[ARTICLE] Are your parents pressuring you about marriage?
When are you getting married? Why don’t you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? Time is going and I want to see my grandchildren....
/ 9 years agoARTICLE:: The False Authority of the Pastor – Femi Aribisala
“The ordination of pastors is of men and not of God.” Frustrated by the magnitude of the miracles attending Jesus’ ministry,...
/ 9 years agoARTICLE:: Beware of Pastors and Christians – Femi Aribisala
Paul marvelled at the Corinthian church: “You have such admirable tolerance for impostors who rob your freedom, rip you off, steal...
/ 9 years agoARTICLE:: Strategies to make your followers feel important
Leaders who do know their onions do know how to make those who are within the sphere of their influence feel...
/ 9 years agoARTICLE:: 10 Reasons Why You Should Start Attending Sunday Schools
As the name sounds,”sunday school”. This is a school mosly in churches organised on sunday that bring christians together to go...
/ 9 years agoARTICLE:: 6 Things That Must Be In Place Before Releasing Your Album
My years of been an Educationalist, I have been taught to be observant. This article is an observation and not a...
/ 9 years agoMaking your house-help be the help that you need
Nowadays, many households have domestic workers that spend more time with the children than parents do. This is because some of...
/ 9 years agoARTICLE:: My Personal Person – Seraphic Kesh
I knit you together in your mother’s womb Because you are my personal person I made you in my image clothed...
/ 10 years agoARTICLE:: When The Church Is No More Conducive By Package
When we can no longer differentiate a church from a social gathering, and all what we do in church is to...
/ 10 years agoARTICLE:: 5 Things Gospel Artists must flee to succeed in Ministry
I laid down on my bed, faced the ceiling, was lost in thoughts as I was contemplating over a conversation I...
/ 10 years agoPastor Aribisala’s misguided missile on Pastor Adeboye – RCCG
“Blessed is the man who has delight in obeying God completely, whatsoever he does shall prosper.” A CHAMPION in a lime...
/ 10 years agoSpiritual Laws of Prayer
God is all we need and he who has the Lord will also get groceries. Jesus establishes three spiritual laws pertaining...